Scientific Illustrations 

Left Drawing: Illustration of leatherback sea turtles in Bioko, Equatorial Guinea. Created in Procreate

Right Drawing: Illustration of a whale created in Procreate

Digital drawing of Notophthalmus viridescens (Red Eft) Newt done in Procreate

Brochure template showing Carbon Dioxide emitted by super fund sites, created in Procreate

Logo created for Inverebrate Paleontology collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Procreate 

Schematics for tidal mesocom created in Procreate

Hemilepistus reaumuri

Hammada scorparia blooming form. 

Nervous system and cuticle of H. reaumuri

Dissected H. reaumuri specimens showing cuticle and brain(yellow)

Hammada scoparia non-blooming form.

Sketch of unknown vespid specie.